Like every year, we participated in the FEHOVA Winterdogshow Budapest event this year as well.

It was a nice break from the everyday routine. We also visited the hunting exhibition in the next hall. The two dogs were very tired from the hustle and bustle, but of course they had a great success among the visitors.

And our results:

Thursday CACIB show, Saturday CACIB show:

Rori – Moon-Springers Aurora Storm (Peasblossom Xanti x Winterwater Creek’s Just a Sweetheart) – both days CAC, CACIB, BOS (Best of Opposite Sex). On Thursday she was put in Working class, and she even got the " Best of Working Hunting Dog” title.

On Saturday she was in champion class, so got champion CAC.

Lumos – Moon-Springers’ Bonfire Heart (Felicitous Luke x Winterwater Creek’s Just a Sweetheart) – both days was Excellent 2nd in junior class.

Judges: Thursday – László Erdős (Hungary), Saturday: Laurent Pichard (Svitzerland)

Rori was also entered on Friday Champion Show, and she became "Champion of Champions 2025" as best bitch and BOS.

Judge was Gopi Krishnan (Malayzia)

On Sunday Lea represented the Moon-Springers team, taking the place of her sister Rori.

Moon-Springers’ Azalea Girl

Champion CAC, CACIB, BOS

Judge was Gopi Krishnan (Malayzia)

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