On 3rd March 10 beautiful puppies were born in our kennel - 6 males and 4 femails...
FEHOVA Winterdogshow 2025
Like every year, we participated in the FEHOVA Winterdogshow Budapest event this year as well. It was a nice break from the everyday routine. We also visited the hunting exhibition in the next hall.
Puppies expected
Yesterday we went for ultrasound, and now it is proved: Luna is pregnant! Puppies are expected in the very first days of March. We can still accept some resesvations. +36305744668, gmcsilla@gmcsilla
Next litter
We hope our next litter to be born early March 2025. The mating was completed on 31st December in Sweden. Parents: Luna and Otis...
Rori Hungarian Show Champion
We've just received the official certificate as Hungarian Show Champion of Rori (Moon-Springers' Aurora Storm) She started quite late for the first time in adult class, as I kept her in the junior class as long as possible...
Winner of the Year 2024 Club Show
The Winner of the Year Club Show of the Spaniel Breeders' Association was a very successful day for us...
Megszülettek a kölykök
2022. május 16-án megérkeztek Luna és Rocco gyönyörű kölykei – 8 lány és 2 fiú, mindenféle színkombinációban. Erős, egészséges kiskutyák. Az ‘A’ alom oldala
We are expecting puppies
Proved by ultrasound: Luna is expecting puppies. The father is a beautiful, elegant, UK-bred black and white male: Peasblossom Xanti. Reservations are still possible.
A bit of lake Balaton
We can't wait the result - only a few days.... - meanwhile we are going for nice walks. Some pictures from the weekend.
Jégvirág Agility Competition - 29 January 2022
Január 29-én Lunával részt vettünk életünk legeslegelső agility versenyén. Ez egy „nem hivatalos” verseny volt, kezdő kategóriában, az „L” méretű kutyák között indultunk, 50 cm…